

2012-02-08 11:21:00 中国香港留学云 4008-941-360







Nancy Kan Wing Han

Home town: Hong Kong

BA (Hons) in English, City University of Hong Kong, 1994.

MA in Anthropology, CUHK, 2008.



Shi Tian

Home town: Chongqing

BA in Linguistics and Literature , Guizhou Normal University, 2006.

MA in Anthropology, CUHK, 2008.


I graduated in May 2008 and am now with the Chongqing Academy of Social Sciences。



Y.T. Mak

Home town: Hong Kong

Ph.D. in Chemical Pathology, CUHK, 1996.

MA in Anthropology, CUHK, 2007.

“The MA study in Anthropology reshaped my worldview,enabling me to reinterpret everyday life for meanings beyond my empirical perspective。”


Lum Tin Wan

Home town: Hong Kong

B.Sc.(Hons) in Biology, CUHK, 1974.

MA in Anthropology, CUHK, 2008.

Through the challenging courses of Anthropology, I now know that people are very creative, constructing concepts such as ‘gender’, ‘ethnicity’, ‘nature’, ‘identity’, ‘human nature’, ‘worldview’….and even ‘reality’ to interpret everyday life. These social and cultural constructions are often disguised and represented as natural and unchangeable.

As an early retired secondary school principal, I regret not having enrolled in this stimulating program in an earlier stage of my career.

“I come, I study, I renew.”

After completing the M.A. program of Anthropology, I do have a feeling of renewal. The program is really demanding but surely rewarding!



Song Liyun(Leona)

Home Town: Sichuan

BA in Archaeology, Sichuan University, 2007

MA in Anthropology, CUHK, 2008

人类学对我来说是一扇真正向我开启学术之路的大门. 透过它,我的思想和人生都开始进入到了一个崭新的阶段.香港中文大学人类学系为期一年的MA学习,也为我迈向更深更远的学术道路铺下了坚厚的基石,现在我继续在香港中文大学的人类学系攻读人类学哲学硕士学位 ( M. Phil.). 对我而言, 人类学所给我的是一个全面而深刻的训练. 在人类学里面, 你要学会的不仅是怎样读书,怎样写作,怎样表达; 更要学会的是如何去思考问题,如何去看待跟你的生活经验完全不同的人和事, 怎样去跟各式各样不同的人打交道. 这些经验,我想不管将来是否继续从事学术研究,都将成为一个人一辈子受用的东西。


Janice Lau

“My journey of exploration in anthropology started in 2004, when I was enrolled in the MA Programme. The learning experience went beyond my expectation: it allowed me to understand the world from different angles and equipped me to go further, and enter the M. Phil Research Programme in the following year. My husband and my closest friends have found that I have gone through many positive changes in the way I think, and truly, I need to express my gratitude for all the effort spent by all the professors in this department!

To my friends’ surprise, I have switched my career path after graduation from the M.Phil Programme, and am currently working as an Education Officer in the Family Planning Association of Hong Kong, promoting sexuality education in the community. The knowledge that I gained from anthropology is applicable to my work and to my life, helping to fill my working experience with excitement and enthusiasm!”


Debra Mckeown

Home Town: USA

BA in Anthropology, University of South Florida, 1996

MA in Anthropology, CUHK, 2008

I was a unique student at CUHK‘s MA program in Anthropology, but ask around: everyone in the program has a unique situation. The diversity in the cohort is one of the strengths of the program. I have a background in Anthro, but it had been so long since I studied it, I needed a refresher. Since I am an older student (mid-30’s, with plenty of similar aged people in my cohort to talk to!) wanting to continue my education through to a PhD, I needed to see if I could return to being a student successfully. As a professional teacher, I was accustomed to being in the front of the classroom, but in the Anthropology program, I found that I could be just as happy learning as teaching. Not only did I get that “refresher” in Anthro, I learned so much that I never knew! I was exposed to classic texts as well as modern ethnographies. Most importantly, I learned to “think anthropologically”. These critical thinking skills should be foundational to every education, but I can attest — it‘s never to late to learn them!

Now, I am entering a PhD program at Vanderbilt University in the US, the top ranked school for my program in Education where I will use Anthropological methodology to study international education issues. I was admitted to nine of the ten schools to which I applied, including Columbia and Stanford. I have no doubt that my time in CUHK’s MA program is what led to my admission success. If you want to have your choice of top ranked and ivy league schools, this program is a great step towards that goal. You will learn to think in new ways and get support from professors who graduated from those universities. Most importantly, it‘s a year spent having clarifying and critical discussions with a group of people with widely varying perspectives about theoretical and practical issues related to life. Regardless of your future ambitions, this program will enrich your life.

Matthew West


Home town: Boston, USA

BA, Davidson College.

MA in Anthropology, CUHK, 2004.

MPhil in Anthropology, CUHK, 2006.

Matthew West married Lucia Huwy-min Liu (刘慧敏) from Taiwan in 2008. They were both MA and MPhil students in the CUHK Anthropology Department from 2003 to 2006. Lucia is now studying her Ph.D. in anthropology at Boston University.

I graduated from the MA program at CUHK in 2004 and, after two years in the anthropology department’s MPhil program, I am now at Columbia University in New York studying for a PhD (in anthropology as well). The MA program was a great opportunity for me because it offered a chance to learn about Chinese language and cultures both in school and through its larger setting in Hong Kong‘s New Territories. It is rare to find an anthropology department with so many professors who all study the same region (East Asia); the program is unique in the multi-faceted perspective it provides. In addition to professors, I benefited enormously from the discussions I had with other students (in my year we had people from Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, New Zealand, and the USA (me)) who brought their wide variety of working and studying experiences to our class making the discussions that much richer. I believe that my time at CUHK prepared me well (both in readings and in research experience in the MPhil program) for PhD work and a future career in teaching the anthropology of Chinese cultures。


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