1 批判性学术写作 Advanced Critical Writing for Academic Purposes
2 中国历史新的一页,1700-2000 A New History for a New China, 1700-2000: Advanced
3 社会科学调查定量方法 Quantitative Methods in Social Science
4 比较的视角看中国社会分层 Chinese Social Stratification in Comparative Perspective
5 中国封建时期的经济与社会 The Economy and Society in Imperial China
6 中国定量研究 Quantitative Studies of China
7 定量数据分析 Quantitative Data Analysis
8 当代中国改革和社会冲突 Reform and Social Conflicts in Contemporary China
9 中国政治经济 Political Economy of China
10 中国创新系统:从国内和国际层面来看 China’s Innovation System: Domestic and International Dimensions
11 社会理论和世界历史 Social Theory and World History
12 中国社会文化史概论 An Introduction to Socio-cultural History of China
13 中国种族划分 Ethnicity in Chinese Context
14 东亚经济史—从朝贡贸易到海关贸易网络 Economic History of East Asia--From Tributary Trade to Maritime Customs Networks
15 中国过去和现在的法律概述 Narratives on China’s Legal Past and Present